Friday, October 30, 2009

There was none

On tracks of steel, cramped space and body awry,
A man, with a bag precariously poised on his left, I could descry.

Amazement led to the discovery of mirth,
A stance sideways and legs stretched out wide, to every movement alert.

Mirth allowed grievance to creep in, for fellow beings as an afterthought,
Handgrip above, and not the deportment and space, use he ought.

Steels grinding to a scratchy halt, and a twitch in the posture so fun,
Bitterness then dawned, where there should be right – there was none.

Friday, October 02, 2009

I still have a dream...

In an era of struggle and strife, I had a dream,
Into utopia I would segue and peace I would glean.

Impossible they admonished, methods would yield no good,
Lessons from experiments, by truth I stood.

Of prosperity and of choice, I did hope,
Simplicity was my motto, nadirs of despair I would cope.

Through your soul I breathe, through your eyes I deem,
In an era of struggle and strife, I still have a dream.