Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mumbai Diaries - Part 2(Kala Ghoda aur Jhansi)

I had immersed myself completely in to ecstatic depths of Mumbai’s warm caress and it was just about right time to meet Jhansi – my cousin extraordinaire. To meet Jhansi however, is a mammoth task – for it entails her time off – from her students, her lecturing & her sojourn(through the city) – which trust me – requires large scale pre-planning and preparation(on her part).

Blessed as I am – Jhansi decided to bear with my presence and ensured my yearly Mumbai visit would be enriched with the blissful sights of Victorian Architecture. As I met my tall cousin, she has an extraordinary talent of adjusting her height – depending on the audience – just like my tripod, at CST station and proceeded forth in to warmth of Mumbai – I was disappointed. BMC had planned its renovation drive to match with my stay and extraordinarily – decided to revamp all the domes on all the Victorian Monuments that Mumbai has to offer and all at the same time. My head exhibited extreme springiness as it hung at its edge but perched up again at the prospect of Kala Ghoda 2010.

Presence and company of an artistic cousin(Jhansi) ensures vivid pleasures and Khala Ghoda offered unrivalled visual treats including the 3D- Horse and a mini Eiffel Tower (which lights up on solar power). Of course , some of the other ‘attractions’ including a weaver bird nest made of metallic wires were a bit too esoteric for the wrinkles in my brain to process.(We visited Eiffel Tower later in the evening only to meet the person who designed it boasting all the way to glory).Jhansi , however, ensured that I do use some of those wrinkles by planning a NCPA sojourn for the Mumbai International Film Festival 2010.

I have to confess – documentaries always have sounded scary, and I soon discovered, this fear was unfounded. ‘Children of Pyre’ depicts an astonishing saga of real life heroes – angels of death – little kids enforced with the responsibility of ensuring the consummation of the process of body to ashes. It’s a travesty – which portrays innocence lost to death, honesty perishing over the flames of life and a bizarre industry of ‘kafan’ being recycled. I was overwhelmed.

I scaled zeniths of peace after this overwhelming experience as winds laden with love from the Arabian sea and the setting sun daubed my countenance. However the sun like the domes played tricks and was lost in the maze of smog that progress has presented Mumbai. Jhansi ensured I do not depart her august company before buying a shirt.

My sojourn also ensured that I catch up with Ganesh(my ex roommate),Rashmi and their lovely daughter Adwaita. And soon it was the glorious day – the day when the sun shines ever so brightly, butterflies flap ever so loudly, the flowers bloom ever so sprightly and repeated reminders from Parakeet,Jhansi et al about the ‘BIG 3’ did not deter this fable or so I thought.

8 AM – 8th Feb 2010 and I woke up with a cramping feeling in stomach and my entire being was ensnared in a spiral of gloom. I was however determined to fight it and so after the initial grumble and feeling of utmost hopelessness , myself and parents headed for the Mumbai pilgrimage. No camera episodes this time(for I was not carrying it) and no lost shoes(this version of Nike shoes remains with me) and the day ended in peace. Though I could not savour Kela Bhajji at Ram Ashraya@ Matunga this time – some wishes remain unfulfilled – next time perhaps.

More in next.


Anusha Ramanathan said...

hey no mention of the expensive Kyber?????? It was one of the hallmarks of the day for me and the failed visit to TAJ where even the hotel authorities decided to join hands with the BMC in denying you your artisitc vision of clicking the umpteenth photo of its windows :)

You make me out to be a freak with a sense of selfimportance of the snob artist :) Sorta impressed by the tripod analogy will use it with K.

Hey u forgot the CAR MAN :)

Sowmya said...

Waiting for some more of tit bits from your diaries!!!!! Very Nice

Anonymous said...

patience hai bhai!

Easwar Subramanian said...

@Anusha - Khyber I agree was a miss. But then there were so many tit bits to included that I had to pick and choose!
@Sowmya - Thanks!
@Dips - Kahe patience? For writing it down?

Heman - What a name! I know, but let it be said...

Snaps kahan hai...? Like the classy ones you had uploaded last time.