Saturday, June 07, 2008

The Hong Kong Smile

Short trips always hold me in a perplexed state of affairs –
1. What do I pack? How many clothes?
2. More importantly – Will I get time to click?

Unfortunately, second turned out negative with regards to my latest peregrination - Hong Kong.

In retrospect, you could not censure me for having packed my accessories which included the not so ‘light ‘lens set, a camera body and tripod and hence reducing scope for carrying other accessories which would have been construed to be necessary under conditions classified as normal otherwise. With this back ground in mind, I would make an audacious assumption of having the readers pardon my trespasses towards a packing pattern which involves half the bag loaded with camera accessories.

The cramped land of skyscrapers awaited me as boarded SQ 870 from Changi International Airport. A minor blip which I had not foreseen awaited – I had not pre-informed the Singapore Airlines officials of my penchant or strict adherence towards vegetarianism. But SQ proved my loyalty worthwhile as they conjured a vegetarian food packet out of nowhere. ( A friend of mine disapproves of recurrent usage of the word ‘Conjure’ – but I shall withstand the wrath that may accrue, for the want of a better word).

Hong Kong awaited, smiling (I presumed ,veiled behind the immigration officials. The veiled smile seems to have been broadening as the official passed a stern look at my passport. No sooner the official was perplexed – perhaps trying to compare the picture that envisioned itself on the passport to the countenance that, very weirdly, was smiling at him. ( A brief back ground- it was my first trip to Hong Kong and Hong Kong allows visitors with the facility of Visa on arrival and pretty freely I heard)

And before I could realise the thickness of the veil, behind which I still presumed Hong Kong to be smiling, I was escorted to a room which read ‘Immigration Authority’. After a wait which seemed interminable and which was dotted by a grumbling Kenyan by my side, could not blame him it was almost 1 AM, an official; after having taken some time in spotting me in a group of 3 to 4 people, with the aid of the same photograph which had perplexed another official earlier; approached me.

Questions, which I would otherwise have considered invading my right to existence on planet earth barraged at me. I must admit, officials were pleasantly hospitable. Post the torturous wait I was eventually escorted, towards what I assumed the other side of the veil( Remember, the smile is on the other side of the veil!). I was beginning to see the curves of the smile as a hand obstructed my right to free space ahead, admonishingly directing me towards a path which did not allure my senses. My bags were screened and I was made to sit. Then an amazing thing happened.

I was directed to remove my shoes. Considering that I was not in the process which would require fruitful use of my shoes, I readily obliged. The officer then inspected the shoes, looked at it in awe – which I presume would be attributed to the brand name that flashed on them or at the thought of how an object so small could encase such an immensely repelling stink.

Finally!! I was let go – towards the smile – the smile which I presumed to be sustained despite the fact that it inched towards wee hours of the morning. How was that smile? Well that will be another story altogether!


Charu said...

ha ha ha ... i told you ... you like a don in pics :P

Heman - What a name! I know, but let it be said...

Wow! What a thriller it must have been to be interrogated by the immigration wallahs and checked right from head to toe (literally)! EJ yaar.. with your prolonged stay in Shanghai... I guess they thought you were and India spy or something :) Neways, hope you are enjoying the HK smiles now...

Anonymous said...

hahaha.... I thought u were sent back to Sing..... I tell you they got scared of your moustache!!!

Anusha Ramanathan said...

I must say I pity the HOng Kong officials. Perplexing the with mismatched photos and countenances, weird tastes for vegetarian dishes without preinforming them, packing cameras and tripods and such when on official business unrelated to photography, and then topping all that with your stinking, albeit branded, shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And through all those questions invading your privacy I amsure you must have stumped them, one and all, with your consistent usage of words that mere mortals who speak average (read normal) English have no knowledge of.

P.S. Am glad that your interrogation still allowed you to spot Hong Kong smiling at you in welcome :)

R!tesh said...

Mast che!!