Saturday, December 09, 2006

Insomnia and Turbulence

In a state of insomnia and turbulence,
Slumber seems to be a remote saccharine dream.
Body knows no rationale, mind strives to a sustain a balance,
Horizon may be distant but pastures do appear green!

In a state of insomnia and turbulence,
Coffee blissfully oblivious of the import it portrays!
Slumber shall be in abeyance and nap only on chance,
Numbness tries to incarcerate a mind in overdrive, in vain anyways!

In a state of insomnia and turbulence,
Slumber may privilege itself another day.
Gusto and fire still blaze disheveled though my appearance,
Beyond the horizon in ambush I am sure success does lay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems like u r back in ur groove
Studies are dictating ur every move.
Sleep deprivation inspired poems I again read
I just hope ur rewards justify ur this sacrificial deed.

Ur health is most important so take care bro,
Everything else, especially a few measly marks, u can forego. ;)